VCU Libraries Labs

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Ancarrow Wildflower Digital Archive, 1915-1940

From 1968 to 1971, noted environmentalist Newton Ancarrow documented and photographed more than 400 species of wildflowers along the banks of the James River in Richmond, Va. Here is a sampling of his work.

This site was created by VCU Libraries in conjunction with the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden and the VCU Rice Rivers Center.

Mapping the Second Ku Klux Klan, 1915-1940

Mapping the Second Ku Klux Klan is a rough timeline of the rise of the second Ku Klux Klan between 1915 and 1940.

The first Klan of Reconstruction and the third Klan of the Civil Rights era were both concentrated in the Deep South, but the second Klan spread across the United States. That tells us that parts of the Klan’s appeal (racism, anti-Semitism, and above all, anti-Catholicism) were widespread.

This map invites you to learn about the second Klan in your area and across the U.S. and to study the courage of those who opposed the Klan.

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